Well behaved dogs on leads are very welcome at Daffodil Weekend!
Just a reminder that we are a dog friendly event, but dogs and owners need to be kept on the lead at all times…
Last call for stall applications for DW2022 - last few remaining places left!
Daffodil Weekend is back – book your 'early bird' tickets now!
We are pleased to announce that our covid-friendly Daffodil Weekend is all set for 2022. All tickets must be booked online in advance as we won’t be able to offer tickets on the door.
EARLY BIRD TICKET PRICES - book before 28 February 2022
Adult £8
Child 5-16 yrs £4
Under 5s Free
Car parking £1
STANDARD TICKETS - booked 1–20 March
Adult £10
Child 5-16 yrs £5
Under 5s Free
Car parking £1
COACH/GROUP RATES for 15+ passengers
Adult: £7
Child 5-16yrs: £3.50
Under-5s: Free
Driver and guide: Free
Carer: Free
Coach parking: Free
Stall bookings are officially open!
If you are would like to book a stall for DW 2022, the application form is now open online under the ‘Forms’ section of the website: https://www.thriplowdaffodils.org.uk
Start spreading the news, Daffodil Weekend planning is back on for 2022. Oh yes!
The next Daffodil Weekend will be on 19 & 20 March 2022 (fingers crossed), by which time we hope we will have come through this wretched Coronavirus and all be in need of a stonkingly good country fair.
We’re getting excited already…
CANCELLED - Thriplow Daffodil Weekend 2021
Due to the continuing situation with Covid-19, the Daffodil Weekend Committee, along with other major groups within the community, have agreed that it will not be possible to safely hold the 2021 event whilst still meeting the primary goal of raising funds for charity. Obviously, this is a huge disappointment to everyone involved.
Our first duty is to keep our visitors and volunteers safe. Although Daffodil Weekend is seen mainly as an outdoor event, there are many areas where close proximity indoors occurs, such as in the tearooms, craft marquees, church, beer tent, minibuses and coaches, increasing further risks of transmission of the virus to our visitors.
Daffodil Weekend is a charity fundraising event staffed entirely by volunteers. There are large costs associated with staging the event which we start to incur from early autumn. The social distancing measures, which we are inevitably going to have to enforce, would mean the weekend would make significant losses.
Further plantings of daffodils will take place this autumn ready for when we can fully resume the event. The daffodils will, of course, still be there to be enjoyed.
2021 would have been the 52nd Weekend. This is the first time in its history that the event has been cancelled two years in a row. Here’s to looking forward to DW 2022.
Thank you for your continuing support during these difficult times. Daffodil Weekend will be back and will be better than ever!
Take care and best wishes.
The Daffodil Weekend Committee
Ticket refunds
We will be refunding tickets from today, so you should have your money back within the next 7 days. Each refund has to be done individually so we will work as fast as we can for you.
(Sorry for the delay, I’ve had a work deadline.)
Thriplow Daffodil Weekend 2020 and Covid-19 (Corona virus): event cancelled 28 & 29 March 2020
Hi everyone
It is with very deep regret that we have taken the decision to cancel Thriplow Daffodil Weekend this year. There are several compelling reasons for this:
Although the event is predominantly outdoors there are areas where close indoor contact is unavoidable (tea rooms, the Church, coaches, minibuses etc) which give rise to a significant risk of transmission
The demographic of our visitors means we have a much larger proportion of people in high-risk groups
We do not want to run the risk of infecting anyone in the village
It is likely that visitor numbers will be severely impacted as people make their own judgements about the risks of attending public events
Cancelling early limits the financial impact for us as a village and also for stallholders and others gearing up for the event
Obviously this is very disappointing and it was a very difficult decision to take. The pros and cons were debated at length by the Daffodil Committee and other key stakeholders, and while opinion was divided, we concluded that based on the balance of probabilities, we should cancel now rather than waiting for an official change in Government policy.
We are now working hard to mitigate the impact of this decision which will be significant for stallholders, coach companies, ticket holders etc. many of whom have a long history of supporting Daffodil Weekend. We have already agreed that this year's nominated charities will be rolled over to next year.
I would like to thank everyone for the enormous amount of work they have already put in. Daffodil Weekend will be back next year. In the meantime, please look after yourselves and others and enjoy our wonderful display of daffodils.
Best wishes
Paul Earnshaw
Thriplow Daffodil Weekend
The map and programme are finalised, so start planning your visit!
Shame, it's kids only...
Kids Drive are joining us for the first time in Family Thriplow this Daffodil Weekend, 28 & 29 March. Shame adults can’t have a go!